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Karmann-Ghia Lowlight Registry.
Welcome to the online Karmann-Ghia Lowlight Registry webpage.
This side is completely dedicated to the Karmann-Ghia build in the fifties with the typical smaller air intakes and the lower position of the headlight
Besides the register this website will contain as much as possible information about the changes in the first 4 years, and all the details about the period correct parts. It will also contain scans of all possible literature like sales brochures, owner manuals, advertisements, magazine articles.
Search the database:
Specially for the members of the Karmann Ghia Lowlight Registry I purchased a series of Pins (For sale for €10 with free shipping all over the world.

I bought a total of 100 pins in a mix over the different years. If I sell them all, I make a small profit, just enough to pay to the bill for the Webhosting. So Please support me, and order a pin
To order: Use the Buy Now Paypal botton
For European members,
Please sent me your name and address to info@kglowlightregistry.com and specify what year you want and pay with IBAN and BIC/Swift.(It will safe me €0.74 each pin)
IBAN: NL95INGB0005955759
Latest news / Updates:
25-06-2012: 500th car added to the registry
27-02-2009: Big update on the color page. Now paint formulas added
11-02-2009: After several request, I decided to start a Forum.
10-02-2009: Now possible to add movies and subscribe to RSS feeds.
01-07-2008: Changed the banner, thanks to John Moxon for the new design
13-05-2008: The 200th car uploaded in the database was added by Jerome Galiana (Grailoc)
31-03-2008: The 150th car uploaded in the database was added by steve mierz (This car also happened to be the first AMAG "montage suisse" car added to the database!!)
24-03-2008: Changed the "Hall of Fame" to "Cars for sale".
04-03-2008: The 100th car uploaded in the database was added by Lisa (theghiagirl)
Upcomming strictly vintage VW meetings. (only available for lowlights)
21. bis zum 23. Juni 2013, 6th internationale Volkswagen Veteranentreffen in Hessisch Oldendorf , Germany.
Lets make this event an European KG Lowlight Registry meeting!! I hope you all subcribe for this event.
Regards, Patrick
Cars for sale: