Karmann-ghia Lowlight Registry

ID-100: VIN 1631813

CoupeYear: 1957

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VIN Number: 1631813
Karmann Tag Number (56,57 & some 58s): K01011/: 22294
Engine Number: 1964362
Current Location: USA?
Body Color: Trouth blue
Roof Color: Trouth blue

Full Description: The 1st owner started a pretty decent restoration in the 70's and never finished it. I think this included rebuilding the transmission and engine, the interior and a paintjob.
The exterior paint doesn't match the interior, but its a similar color- either they didn't try to match it exactly or it's a BAD attempt.
Dash paint is original and it's a very silver'ish /blue color.

Sold in 2003 to the third owner.

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