Karmann-ghia Lowlight Registry
ID-111: turbo lowlight
CoupeYear: 1958
ran a best on the day of 13.52ET with a wiff of nitrous on street treads :o) |
VIN Number: 1975365 Karmann Tag Number (56,57 & some 58s): K01011/: tags robbed!?
Original Destination: US Current Location: northeast england
Full Description: I bought this car 2005 and gave it a 2007cc n/a motor, added nitrous, took that off and added turbo. Had a slight accident then took it off the road for repairs-I found A LOT of filler!, and chicken wire etc. Its now all steel, but not very straight, it was robbed of a lot of lowlight only parts before I got it (badges, decklids etc etc) so i sold off what was left to those who really need them for restos.
It's currently mid way through rebuild. It's ugly but I love it!
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Info: 1958 lowlight turbo racecar-was a rusty wreck covered in bodyfiller! |