Karmann-ghia Lowlight Registry
ID-115: KG Coupe 1958
CoupeYear: 1958
VIN Number: 1946692 Engine Number: 2365916
Original Destination: Austria Current Location: Europe
Body Color: L241 Bamboo/ Bambus Roof Color: L318 Deep Green/ Tiefgrün
Full Description: I could describe her as pretty rat with a lot of patina, but it sounds so pejorative. We bought this young lady like this. Nearly no rust at the rockers and floors. She will be restored once, but not sure when and buy whom. Not by us in the immediate anyway. I am quite convinced she will wear her imperfections with pride and as I always say, patina is something you can't buy; it’s a transformation process from Mother Nature. She can only be patina for once, and afterwards she can be restored again, and again and again, …. We intend to enjoy her as much as possible and take her out with every occasion.
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