Karmann-ghia Lowlight Registry

ID-125: Owner

CoupeYear: 1959

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VIN Number: 2426039
Date_of_Manufacture: 27/7/1959
Original Destination: Oregon, USA
Current Location: Bristol, England
Body Color: Cognac
Roof Color: White

Full Description: Known as 'The Zombie' due to it's 'Life' (or lack of just sitting in a field for 30 Years), the state it was found in and how it looks today. It had a Full 5 Page Feature and A3 Poster in the June or July 2006 VolksWorld Magazine.
Today it's Powered by a Slightly Tuned 1641cc Engine with Twin 36's, Ceramic 4 into 1 Header and Ceramin Tip Single Quiet Pack. It's Lowered at the front using an Adjustable 4 inch Narrowed Beam and CB dropped Spindals and at the rear it's lowered by 1 Inner Spline. But will soon be on a Full AirKewld Air Suspension System.

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Listed by: Reno