Karmann-ghia Lowlight Registry

ID-14: VIN 1-09886xx golfcar

CoupeYear: 1955

thumb_14_359587.jpg thumb_14_359589.jpg thumb_14_359588.jpg thumb_14_image0.jpeg

VIN Number: 1-0988604
Body Number (behind the spare tire):: 440
Karmann Tag Number (56,57 & some 58s): K01011/: Lost
Date_of_Manufacture: October 1955
Current Location: USA

Full Description: In September of 2007, 988604 came to light in northern California, another late October 1955 car. It, however, had been subjected to the disgrace of being converted at some point in its checkered past into a golf cart (!) with the nose chopped off (!!) and the rear chopped off too (!!!). There's probably no chance that it'll ever resemble a beautiful Karmann-Ghia Coupe again

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