Karmann-ghia Lowlight Registry

ID-155: Diane's October '56 AMAG Coupe

CoupeYear: 1956

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VIN Number: 1332390
Body Number (behind the spare tire):: 10448
Karmann Tag Number (56,57 & some 58s): K01011/: 10418
Engine Number: 1597366
Date_of_Manufacture: October 31, 1956
Original Destination: Switzerland
Current Location: Connecticut, USA
Body Color: black
Roof Color: black

Full Description: Decent driver, fairly original. It is an "Auto Montage" (AMAG) car from Switzerland, with several Euro features such as KM speedo, and bulb headlamps. It had some bodywork done at some point in its earlier history, as particularly evidenced by the non-original (non-Ghia) side trim.

As the story goes, the local Norwalk, CT man we bought it from (somewhere around 1986 or so, I recall) had brought it over to the US, after his mother in Switzerland passed away (she was evidently the original owner and loved it, but had become too old to drive it years before, so it must've sat for several years up to that point). He thought his college-age kids would have fun driving it, but evidently they had no interest, and so, he listed it in the local "Bargain News" newspaper for sale, at a very reasonable price. I saw the listing and immediately went to see it, test drive it, and buy it on the spot--absolutely one of the best old car decisions I ever made!

Have to do some more searching to find more background details--will update with more info when I am able--thanks!

P.S.: Yes, it has the "classic Ghia nose-bonk!" Don't get mad at us--we bought it that way! And yes, at some point we'll get it fixed...

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Listed by: stock steve
