Karmann-ghia Lowlight Registry

ID-183: yellow cab

ConvertibleYear: 1958

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VIN Number: 2120855
Body Number (behind the spare tire):: 181
Engine Number: 2585892
Date_of_Manufacture: 20 okt 1958
Original Destination: Raffay, Hamburg, germany
Current Location: Bielefeld, Germany
Body Color: Yellow (original Pearl White)
Roof Color: Black

Full Description: Imported to the UK from Oregon, September 2006
Ron bought this Ghia in 1986 from an ad in Hot VWs, from a guy who had owned it since 1966
Still has the og engine, & the original decklid has been put back on
Flakey yellow paint over the original Pearl White
One super-solid cool Cab!

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Listed by: aerosilver