ID-214: VIN 1143139

CoupeYear: 1956

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VIN Number: 1143139
Body Number (behind the spare tire):: 3481
Engine Number: 1368148
Current Location: Germany
Body Color: white (Original Lizard Green?)
Roof Color: white

Full Description: For sale: Volkswagen karmann-ghia from April 1956. Very original matching numbers car!!

The car was originally Lizard green. The interior is complete original with the early rubber and carpet firewall what was only used till body 3761. It also has the very, hard to find early glove box in a very good condition. The speedo has a date stamp of 11-1955. All glass is original with the correct large Sekurit logo!

The body and the chassis have a lot of rust. I bought this car with the intention to scrap it for parts. But I think this car deserves better as this is one of the first made (Body 3481) and still has its original interior. I would be a waste if this car was cut-off for parts.

The bad things of the car is the rust in the lower section of the car. The headlight sections and the rear light section are pretty good. The pan is rusted in the righrear. Other section are not so bad. Unfortunately the car has had a nose job in his past

The non original Petri pealit steering wheel will be changed for a correct 56 ghia steering wheel! Also the Okrasa gas pedal is not part of the auction and will be removed before sale!!

NO Title! no keys!

Update 5/2020: this low is now in Restauration in germany

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