ID-257: VIN 0981256

CoupeYear: 1955

Here is how it was stored for the 29 last years - in a open garage. The car was seldom used in summer - and not at all in the Winter. I have mounted the original tailights, the old man glued on some other lenses that let more light through - hehe
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VIN Number: 1-0981256
Body Number (behind the spare tire):: 327
Karmann Tag Number (56,57 & some 58s): K01011/: 317
Date_of_Manufacture: 14 Oct 1955
Original Destination: Raffay, Hamburg, Germany
Current Location: Drammen, Norway
Body Color: L376 Gazelle beige
Roof Color: L376 Gazelle beige

Full Description: Car was imported in 59 from a sailor who actually was travelling/shipping Karmann Ghias from Germany to US in 1955 - 1957

Car is unrestored and has all original interior (but wrong bumpers and lack of lover trim outside). It does also have a very nice 58/59 steering wheel, will replace this one with a correct one later and use the leftover to trade for another hard to get parts :)

Becker Europa radio, Kamei Cruiser pedal. All windowglass is with the big securit logo.

A VERY healthy car all in all....

Future plans will be to collect parts for restauration, but will try to keep it running for another year or two.

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Listed by: TomR