Karmann-ghia Lowlight Registry

ID-275: VIN 1479746

CoupeYear: 1957

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VIN Number: 1479746
Karmann Tag Number (56,57 & some 58s): K01011/: 16359
Body Color: red
Roof Color: red

Full Description: The car's history and status:
This car was a find!! It was originally from Butte, Montana (nice dry climate), and has an original mileage of less than 59K. The original 36hp engine, complete and never been disassembled, was removed to clean it up, and is in excellent shape. You can actually turn the engine over by hand. The body has minimul rust, it needs the passenger rear fender section behind the wheel, I have the patch panel, and a small patch needs to be done just behind the front passenger wheel, about the size of silver dollar. The pans are in good shape, with minimal rust below the heater channel in the passenger are in front of the front seat. There is also a small section of rust behind the drivers seat in the pan. The battery tray is pristine and without rust, and the headlight buckets are also in good shape. The front bumper is in excellent shape, the rear is bent here and there, but definitely restorable. The windows role down with incredible ease, and the doors close perfectly, you can definitely tell that this car is a low mileage car. The original trunk liner is still intact, a little warped, but in good shape. The wiring is pristine and has never been clipped or messed with, there are no aftermarket connector's or anything.

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