Karmann-ghia Lowlight Registry

ID-294: VIN 1158511

CoupeYear: 1956


VIN Number: 1158511
Body Number (behind the spare tire):: 3958
Karmann Tag Number (56,57 & some 58s): K01011/: 3981
Engine Number: 1387504
Original Destination: USA
Current Location: Norway
Body Color: L375 Antilopenbraun
Roof Color: L377 Tiefbraun

Full Description: This Ghia was found in Las Vegas, Nevada in 1998. It had one lady owner from 1956-1997 - she put it in a workshop for full restoration, they took it apart and they went bankrupt. I bought it from the workshop in pieces.

It has zero rust and it has never had any rust repairs done to it. It was quite complete when found with correct engine, trim, glass, seats etc. I have since collected all hard-to-find correct parts for it, but still missing nice one-piece bumpers… All chrome is re-done, the radio is overhauled, the interior is done...and I have a complete Judson-for it (and a engine lid form another car which I will cut). I have all new rubber for it and many NOS parts. The birth certificate shows that it was delivered with a Motorola radio, sealed beam headlights and white wall tyres – for the US-market.

I took it to a body shop in 1999 and started the re-paint. It was media-blasted and fine-straightened and ready for paint - when they decided to close the business. It was sprayed in a green color just to protect it while transporting. It will beSince 2002 it has just been sitting in my barn waiting to be finished.

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Listed by: Oystein