Karmann-ghia Lowlight Registry
ID-297: VIN 2292452
CoupeYear: 1959
VIN Number: 2292452 Engine Number: 2795946
Date_of_Manufacture: 18 februari 1959
Original Destination: USA Current Location: Netherlands
Body Color: L41 Black Roof Color: L41 Black
Full Description: This black lowlight was build on February 18, 1959 and transported the 27, to New York. After transport from NY, it arrived in the Netherlands on November 19, 2008 after being in a US Showroom for 40 years
After full restoration by Fred Sijm and Albert van Engelenhoven it is now in mint condition The restoration was based on full recovery to the original state. The new sections are in NOS implementation (for example the rib dashtop) or replica to the original model. For example, the rubber lining and the upholstery (of Trimtec). A Judson supercharger is mounted as well as the scoop and pressure gauge. There is a Philips in car record player connected to the Bendix Sapphire radio. All 1959. I am the happy and privileged owner since 2015.
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