ID-300: VIN 1166410

CoupeYear: 1956

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VIN Number: 1166410
Karmann Tag Number (56,57 & some 58s): K01011/: 4269
Date_of_Manufacture: May 56
Original Destination: USA
Current Location: USA
Body Color: Black
Roof Color: Black

Full Description: Was for sale on Craglist in Jan 2009

Hand-Picked off the first boat of Ghias brought to N.California, this one is complete & ready for restoration. It's been sitting for about 25 years & shows it. Has some surface pan rust but I can't find any holes. It also has some rust on the body where the paint has worn off, but it's not deep. The body is straight except for the small dent by left headlight. It has had minor bodywork on nose & right rear fender through-out it's life. The origional amber-red tailight covers were replaced with red ones after they were stolen in the 60s. The car has a total of 116,000 miles on it. It has been slightly de-cambered, has a Syncro Tranny and Porsche Brakes. It spent most of it's life with a Porsche Engine but now has a running 36 hp.

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