ID-306: Lola

CoupeYear: 1958

One of the pictures at TheSamba. Picture taken at a car show in California.
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VIN Number: 2051035
Karmann Tag Number (56,57 & some 58s): K01011/: no tag
Engine Number: na
Date_of_Manufacture: 29 august 1958
Original Destination: Greece
Current Location: Germany
Body Color: black (original: L 354 cardinal red)
Roof Color: black (original: L 354)

Full Description: Originally purchased by an American (US spec.), the car was delivered to Greece. In the early sixties he took the car to California. After he sold it, the car had a respray in black and some modifications. It came up for sale at TheSamba 2005. It was then shipped back to Germany. Watch it while driving:

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Listed by: ghiaman58