Karmann-ghia Lowlight Registry

ID-31: 1957 Coupe

CoupeYear: 1957

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VIN Number: 1458120
Body Number (behind the spare tire):: 15365
Karmann Tag Number (56,57 & some 58s): K01011/: 15390
Engine Number: 3823523
Date_of_Manufacture: February 1957
Original Destination: USA
Current Location: Memphis, TN
Body Color: Powder Blue
Roof Color: Powder Blue

Full Description: This car was purchased new in June 1957 in California. It has some dealer options, such as an Albert mirror, VDO oil temp,Steering column lock and Sapphire 1 radio.
It was involved in a minor accident in the early eighties where the left tail was damaged as was the nose, however it was a good fix job, all metal. The initial owner's son attempted to finish the car and restore it, but was left incomplete. It was then sold to a gentleman in Missouri, who put a lot of time into it, but still the restoration was left incomplete. The owner had to move and didn't have room, so it then fell into my hands. I've since inventoried everything and started collecting the needed parts and rebuilding the engine.

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Listed by: tondemonai