Karmann-ghia Lowlight Registry

ID-328: VIN 2355520

CoupeYear: 1959

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VIN Number: 2355520
Date_of_Manufacture: 8th April 1959
Original Destination: USA
Current Location: UK
Body Color: Pink
Roof Color: pink

Full Description: For sale on E-bay in May 2009 for $8000

This super sweet ride is a 1959 Volkswagen Karmann Ghia. It has an air-cooled , four cylinder engine that has been recently serviced. It is in good running
condition with 105,647 original miles. The headliner is perfect and the carpets and other upholstery are very good. It has the original AM Blaupunkt radio, is a four speed, and has a straight body. The vehicle is located in Winnemucca, Nevada.

March 2019 - this KG is now located in the UK and will be undergoing a minor restoration and a colour change back to something more in character with the 1950's KG colours.
143, VW Karmann Ghia Coupé

Farbe (Body Color) : L 241 bamboo

Mehrausstattungen (more features) : 128 Weißwandreifen (white wall tyre,) 355 US-Equipment

Gebaut (construction date) : 8. April 1959

Ausgeliefert (delivery date) : 11. April 1959

Auslieferungsort (delivery location): USA

M 355 US-Ausstattung:
Sicherheitsgurte vorn : Front seat belts
Meilentachometer : mileage tachometer
Sealed-Beam-Scheinwerfer : sealed beam headlights
( Warnblinklicht : hazard warning light )
ohne Lichthupe : without headlight flasher
Windschutzscheibe aus laminiertem Glas : Laminated glass windscreen
Rammschutz-Stoßstangen : Bumper protection bumpers
Rückfahrscheinwerfer : reversing light

(12 Volt Anlage : 12 Volt system)

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Listed by: guy hartley