Karmann-ghia Lowlight Registry

ID-399: VIN 2082080

CoupeYear: 1958


VIN Number: 2082080
Current Location: USA
Body Color: Silver
Roof Color: Silver

Full Description: For sale on thesamba in june 2010

Beautiful 1959 VW Ghia Price: 20000
I purchased a foreclosure couple months back and this was in the garage.. So it became one of my many possessions. 1959 Ghia with matching numbers. Not sure when painted silver metallic but it looks awesome with a gorgeous Dark red interior, matching carpet as well.. Perfect white headliner... The only thing I've done to this car was put a fresh rebuilt single port motor in it from Dutcher's Speed Shop.. The motor that was in it was seized... I'll add more pics soon, camera's not working.. So give me a couple days to do so... If you have questions fire away and I'll answer to the best of my knowledge.. Oh and the title is clear

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