Karmann-ghia Lowlight Registry

ID-4: Oldest ghia known

CoupeYear: 1955

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VIN Number: 1-0915580
Body Number (behind the spare tire):: 39
Karmann Tag Number (56,57 & some 58s): K01011/: 39
Date_of_Manufacture: 22-Aug-1955
Original Destination: Germany
Current Location: Germany
Body Color: L41 Black
Roof Color: L41 Black

Full Description: Oldest Ghia known.

Currently in the possecion of a German doctor.

the car is in the same family since 1955 an was bought directly from an vw-exhibition.

The car is used for the pictures on the box of the large Revell model. You can see the dash additional items match, the heater outlets at the front, and the gear shift lock. It looks like an optional widow wash bottle was added too. What a great find to see some fresh photos.

The model instructions are dated 1994 so the pictures on the side are at least 15 years old. The decal set has two license plate variations. One is the actual owners license plate. How's that for detail on number 39. Oh, btw the model uses the correct one piece bumpers .

There is an Auto badge in the decal set that says "Auto Wolf". This circular badge must indicate where the car was purchased?

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