ID-436: VIN 2216600

CoupeYear: 1958

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VIN Number: 2216600
Current Location: USA
Body Color: White
Roof Color: White

Full Description: For sale on E-Bay

I am selling a 1959 ghia, i am posting it now but may need to repost in a few days when its done. i took some pics today so you can see how it is befor the carpet goes in. this way you can see there is no rust being hidden underneath. a new 1776 duel carb motor was installed. this weekend i had the 1000 mile tune up done on it. then drove it about 250 miles for aditional break in. the car runs and drives great. i would trust it to drive anywhere. the body is very straight. not realy any dents or scratches. i just finished the trunk and you can see it in the pics. the inside i am still getting finished. i am ordering a new carpet kit and putting it in along with redoing the doors and seats. i may just put seat covers on, since it has the original seats still in it. i have looked for this car for over 25 years. and it is the hardest thing for me to let go. due to a accident that has made me loose my job and put me on disability i am forced to sell it. i need to get the money out of the car to pay bills and attorney fees. otherwise i would never sell this car. it is very important that the buyer be honest and true. so PLEASE DO NOT BID ON THIS CAR UNLESS YOU HAVE THE MONEY. KNOW WHAT THIS CAR IS, AND WILL FOLLOW PAYMENT PROSEDURES. i was the director for VW for years, and in the car buissness for 17 years. i have conections for shipping as well. i will be more than happy to pick you up at the denver airport if you want to drive it home. or i will help with shipping. you can call me at 719-321-7792, or email me with any questions. i would be willing to end the auction with full payment receved on a settled price that we agree on. i do have paypal, and i would take a deposit through them upto 1000.00. if you want to pay for the whole car then you will need to pay extra fees with them. its 37.50 per thousand. once again, i am listing the car now to show people what i have. i may be relisting it with new pics of the inside when its done. the ouside is the same. just took the pics today. there is alot of work done to the car as you can see. and all the numbers match. pan to vin to body. if you would like to make me an offer please feel free. you can call. i want everything to be in righting and honest. NO scammers. i guess take a look at the pics and see what you think of the car now and let me know. i can still change color of interior for a couple days or stop the order if you want to buy it now. i do have the grey carpet still and its not bad. just want everyone to see it without carpet with there own eyes. thanks and good luck.

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