Karmann-ghia Lowlight Registry

ID-440: VIN 2072225

CoupeYear: 1958

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VIN Number: 2072225
Current Location: South Afrika
Body Color: Petrol Blue
Roof Color: Petrol Blue

Full Description: This car was featured in Stuart Johnston book about Karmann Ghia.

Just bought her,she used to belong to Mr Frank now 98yrs old who drove her up until a month ago.100%original,with a little touch up work to be done

administrator note: Hallo Berry, Please change your E-mail address, it is not working and I would like to contact you.


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This listing has been viewed 1358 times.

Listed by: Barry Gray

Info: Just bought 1958 petrol blue Ghia vin No 207225.She will be with Helga 1959 beetle,Sophie 1968 cropped beetle,Bod the builder 1970 double cab VW van,Jemima 1978 VW Autovilla.