Karmann-ghia Lowlight Registry

ID-460: VIN 1915135

CoupeYear: 1958

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VIN Number: 1915135
Engine Number: 2323726
Current Location: US
Body Color: Blue
Roof Color: Blue

Full Description: This Low Light 58' Ghia is ready for a make-over!
Car is in good shape (for it's age) with lots of Original, hard to find, Parts.
Has NEW Battery and Cable. Car has been converted to 12Volt, with a 12 Volt Generator, Voltage Reg.
Has a good running 36 Horse Engine (#2323726)
Nose is in good shape, with minor filler.
Low-back Seats, Good Dash. really nice Horn Button and Ring. Nice Original Rear Door Panels.
New Rear Window Seal (installed) with New Front Seal ready to put in. (Front Glass cracked)
Newer Brakes, Master Cylinder, Brake Lines and Shocks.
All Lights are working. NOTE! All of the Rubber Seals for Doors, Hoods, etc. have been removed by previous Owner. Rear Quarter Windows are NOT installed!
Car is NOT air or water tight!!! You've been warned!! :)~
No License on Car (it came from Montana years ago!). Will have Title and Bill of Sale.
The "Bad's"- Driver's rear quarter is bad. Rust in Door Rocker Panels. Floor Pans have some rust too. Some Fiberglassing done around Headlights.
Rear Taillight Lens are missing. Have Housings with Bulbs and Red Plastic over them. Looks ok. Only one Chrome Ring.
Rest of Car is in pretty decent shape.
Imagine what this would be worth Restored!!

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