ID-461: VIN 1440624

CoupeYear: 1957

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VIN Number: 1440624
Current Location: US

Full Description: This car is a true Rat Rod, it runs . The car has a 2.0 Ford Pinto engine with two 2 barrel dellorto carbs.and a magnito, Pro Comp gauges,Hurst 4 speed close pattern shifter. The car has chrome wheels and baby moon hubcaps,bucket seats and a roll bar. I have new body panels for places needed Thanks for looking. Frank Phone 816-308-2049 PS have dropped The price to $2500 because the motor has started ticking in the top end, the car still runs. This is a overhead cam engine may be a cheap easy fix for someone with knowlege of engines. I have nowhere to store the car this winter. MY LOSS YOUR GAIN. I have a clear VW title.

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