Karmann-ghia Lowlight Registry

ID-467: VIN 2206150

CoupeYear: 1958


VIN Number: 2206150
Date_of_Manufacture: Nov 1958
Original Destination: US
Current Location: France
Body Color: red
Roof Color: white

Full Description: This car was built in November 1958, but it is titled as a 1959, because it was sold new in 1959. However Lowlight historians refer to them the year they were built. The Title is in my name, and it is free and clear. This was a one family owned car up until about 4 months ago. They named this car "Ruby", after the original owner's name, she bought it brand new in Feb. 1959 in Eugene, Oregon. This little Ghia time capsule has lived its whole life here in the Willamette Valley.

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