ID-473: VIN 2187770

CoupeYear: 1958

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VIN Number: 2187770
Original Destination: US
Current Location: US
Body Color: Black
Roof Color: Black

Full Description: 1958 VW Karmann Ghia. The car is mostly disassembled and in boxes. The car was driven home, and an amatuer restoration was attempted. The owner lost interest and the car was left alone and parked in the garage for several years. The engine spins free and does have compression. All glass is present, the front windshield is cracked. This is the low-light car with the small air intakes. The instruments look nice, not all scratched. The body does have rust, but seems solid around the windshield areas. Not sure if the car is complete, there are many small bags of parts and a few boxes. One box has the exterior trim. Rolling chassis, but should be trailered, it is NOT driveable. We do have a clear Oklahoma title with a current tag.

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