Karmann-ghia Lowlight Registry

ID-48: John's 58 Coupe

CoupeYear: 1958

Low view of a Lowlight
I think this low angle shows off the beautiful Lowlight profile perfectly.
Low view of a Lowlight '58 Coupe meets The New Forest Hunt Vintage Speed Shorrock Supercharger thumb_48_newforestghia2.jpg
thumb_48_newforestghia3.jpg 58 Coupe meets The New Forest Hunt thumb_48_newforesthunt3a.jpg 58 Coupe outside Winchester Cathedral, UK
Period picture at Winchester Cathedral? thumb_48_pict1474.jpg thumb_48_pict1476.jpg thumb_48_pict1477.jpg
1950s Advert? Ghia's 50th Birthday Ghia's 50th Birthday Ghia's 50th Birthday

VIN Number: 1890386
Body Number (behind the spare tire):: 31502
Date_of_Manufacture: 3 April
Original Destination: USA Tourist
Current Location: Southampton U.K.
Body Color: L41 Black
Roof Color: L41 Black

Full Description: Previously a one lady owner from new car. Lived in Berkeley California for 49 years of it's life.
Imported into the UK in September 2007.

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Listed by: lifeintheslowlane

Info: '58 Karmann Ghia Coupe