Karmann-ghia Lowlight Registry

ID-505: VIN 2366883

CoupeYear: 1959

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VIN Number: 2366883
Engine Number: 2889678
Current Location: US
Body Color: blue

Full Description: For sale on Thesamba:

1959 Low light Ghia Price: $16900
I have decided to sell a member of my VW collection, my 1959 low light coupe. When I bought this car about 2002 the last time it had been on the road was 1978 and had been in storage in Albuquerque NM since then. I painted it the blue metal flake about 7 years ago and the car has been sheltered since then so the paint is still in very good condition and is very shiny. There was some rust in the rear wheel arches and in the front fenders at the bottom in front of the doors. New body panels were installed at those locations and the body work is flawless. The car has its original engine and transmission. I rebuilt the engine when I first got the car and it runs like new. The car is on it original floor pan that is in very good condition. From the vin#2366883 and the engine #2889678 the car would have been built about March of 1959. Everything electrical is original 6 volt and still works, including the clock, horn, wipers and 6 volt AM radio. When I got the car the windshield and the rear window were cracked so they were replaced with CAL type window rubber. I still have the original chrome that goes around the windshield and rear window as well as the original hub caps, battery cover,and original type rims that will go with the car. The interior is not original, but is very nice. The rear seat does have one snag in it that has been repaired. The rear brakes have the larger brake shoes from a latter model VW. The bumpers are also not original and are from a newer Ghia. The tires have very few miles on them and are like new. The car runs and handles very well and is very fun to drive. This car is very solid and the doors close with a solid ring. That is all I can think of to say about to tell about the car except it's name is Max. Let me know if you have any other question. Roger Larsen

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