Karmann-ghia Lowlight Registry

ID-523: VIN 1430538

CoupeYear: 1957

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VIN Number: 1430538
Date_of_Manufacture: 15 feb 1957
Original Destination: Canada
Current Location: US
Body Color: Orange

Full Description: For sale on thesamba (16 jan 2012)

Selling my 1957 Low Light Karmann Ghia because I do not have the finances or facilities for the restoration. Bought this car in 2010 and it has sat in the yard since. The car is mostly complete but has surface rust and several rust holes in the standard places. Drivers side door has been replaced with a later one. Floor pans need replacing. Has an engine but not the original, it has not run since I have owned it. I have a clean Tennessee Title for the car. The car does not run, so it would need to be towed or trailered, buyer is responsible for picking up the car.

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