ID-530: VIN 1704804

CoupeYear: 1957

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VIN Number: 1704804
Current Location: US
Body Color: Yellow
Roof Color: Yelow

Full Description: For sale on thesamba (12-feb-2012)

First place awards at Texas Bug-Ins, 1962 Porsche 356 engine, 1750cc with Weber carbs, new front disc brakes, new rear drum brakes, Recaro seats, custom carpeting. I bought this car in 1965 after a friend installed the Porsche engine. Approx 5k miles on engine rebuild with 912 cam, German roller crank, lightened flywheel, German P & C set. 356 Porsche speedo & tach. Original bumpers are included. Reliable, fun to drive car. Mileage is unkown but high. It has been a weekend only car since restoration was completed in 1992. Hate to sell, but making room for other projects.

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