ID-534: VIN 1166316

CoupeYear: 1956

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VIN Number: 1166316
Body Number (behind the spare tire):: 4312
Current Location: US
Body Color: Green

Full Description: For sale on thesamba

1956 Karmann Ghia Price: $3,500
This is a 1956 Karmann Ghia vin# 1166316.The car has a clear title and matching black and yellow California plates.It is missing a front bumper,other trim,seats and intrior.Has a later transaxle and no engine. Althogh some parts are missing there are still alot of great parts on this car.Original big emblem Sekuit glass,ghia only fuel tank,visors,domelight and speedo.
This ghia is pretty rusty in the rockers and pan halfs after sitting here in a valley area backyard uncovered for 17+yaers. The wiring is pefect.Alot of the car is still solid and wouls make a good project for a restoration. Overseas shiping is avalible

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