ID-592: VIN 1607XXX

CoupeYear: 1957

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VIN Number: 1607XXX
Body Number (behind the spare tire):: 21223
Current Location: US

Full Description: For sale on thesamba in Jan 2013

1957 Lowlight Ghia coupe project.

This is a very solid 1957 Ghia project, that has already had the body work started. The front "nostrils" have been changed out to the later style for some unknown reason. The car does come with a spare set of donor nostrils if you wish to change them back, if you would like the change done for you I can have it done professionally prior to shipment at an additional cost.

I have done my best to show in the pictures all of the parts that come with the car, the condition of the car etc. It has been standing for many years in a garage so it will need a full mechanical restoration. The car does have a core 58 era 36hp motor that will also require a mechanical overhaul, we have made it as complete at possible with the parts that we had on hand.

I do not have the outside molding, the holes seems to have simply been filled with a body filler substance, and are not welded from what I can tell so adding the holes back for that original look should not take much of your time.

The car does not run or drive so I cannot provide any input as to how the transmission or brakes are, I will cover the board by saying it will need a full mechanical review prior to being road worthy. The other item to note is that while the decklid is a nice fit, it would not be 100% to the lowlight ghia era. The front seats are there and are thin backs, but please look at the picture as you can see they would be good for templates or recreations they would not be useable in their current form. I do have the large logo window and quarter glass along with a very use able rear bumper in driver quality, the car does not have a front bumper available.

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