Full Description: Shipped: October 21, 1955
Destination: Import Motors, Chicago.
Basically, VIN 1-0971782 is nothing more than a chassis, a front nose and a title. (The complete car in the picture is VIN 1005603)
The floor pan is in really great condition, the nose has some salvageable metal, plus all the ID plates and the title, which is exactly what the November ’55 body 624 is missing!
The car used to be raced in the Pacific Northwest (seattle) and was features in the Jan. '75 issue of Hot VW's magazine.
Previously owned by Rob Infante. Car was sold in 2006 to Gerson who owns www.klassicfab.com.
The car will be joined with body 624 (VIN 1005603, Nov 1955 build)
Also see: http://hometown.aol.com/robinfante/55karmannghia.html