Karmann-ghia Lowlight Registry

ID-650: VIN 2068650

CoupeYear: 1958

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VIN Number: 2068650

Full Description: For sale on thesamba (june 2014)

I have all original glass. also original speedo, clock, fuel gauge. ashtray and glove box for dash board. Pan is in good shape. All wiring has been converted to 12 volt. Has fiberglass front clip that needs to be fabricated to body or it will need a new front clip. Ajustable front end and lowered rear. All surface rust no big holes. Most interior is there even bows for headliner. No door panels or carpet. Has front and rear original bumpers (need refurbished), with original CA black license plates. No engine but does have working trans installed. Not currently registered but I have pink slip. Email me for more info. I Do Not want to part out so don't ask. $2500 Or best offer. Would make excellent drag car or auto cross racer.

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