Karmann-ghia Lowlight Registry

ID-7: Body 624

CoupeYear: 1955

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VIN Number: 1-1005603
Body Number (behind the spare tire):: 624
Date_of_Manufacture: Novenber 21, 1955
Original Destination: USA
Current Location: Bogota Colombia
Body Color: L330 Trout Blue
Roof Color: L330 Trout Blue

Full Description: Shipped: November 23, 1955 Destination:Chicago

Body will probably be used on VIN 971782

Car was found (beginning 2000??) in Kentucky, where it lay on its nose, the front beam having been stripped off, as well as the steering column and gas tank. Rob Infante had it shipped from there to beautiful Boonton NJ.

In 2006 the car is sold to Gerson who owns www.klassicfab.com. He is going to hand make all the replacement panels, some "new" correct 1 piece bumpers ( they are using the ones that came with the car as patterns) It will be painted the factory stock color (he has samples of the original interior color and materials) He has the original restored intruments, and a bunch of other items for it, it will be all original, except that he will put a 36hp Okrasa motor in it.

What is really great about the body is that it is almost wholly in original condition, and in fact most of the things that are irreplaceable are salvageable. It still has the early aluminum window trim, and the rubber mats, the rubber down the tunnel, and the rubber around the foot wells, are all in decent condition and/or salvageable condition. Likewise the sheet metal bend for the front floor heater vent is still pretty decent, which is a good thing since they stopped making them with the vent all the way in the front starting with VIN 1128610, Body #3001, March '56). Funny that it is still ok, since the floor pan an inch away is gone gone gone. It has the real early interior, whereby it is grey vinyl with blue vinyl, as opposed to the blue vinyl with grey corduroy that started in March 1956.

While beat up, the interior is pretty much all there, and will be easy to use as a template for the replacement. The glove box cardboard is in excellent shape, and still has the very early mohair lining. The headliner itself is blue perforated vinyl, which to my understanding must be a replacement, since mohair was the original spec. The rear bumper has been replaced (it is three piece), but the front one is single piece. The bumper guards have mostly been replaced, but one of them is still the early type with the upper portion covered.

The odometer shows 50-something thousand miles, as to whether or not it flipped, or if so how many times. The car was never repainted a different color, and may perhaps never have been repainted at all. I like to look at the protected places, behind the dash, at rear hinges, behind the panels, and dream of how it was and how it will be.

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