Karmann-ghia Lowlight Registry

ID-709: VIN 1639598

CoupeYear: 1957

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VIN Number: 1639598
Current Location: US
Body Color: red
Roof Color: blavk

Full Description: For sale on thesamba april 2018

Ghia Low Lite 1958 in very nice condition and strong runner. All original parts and pieces with no rust as this car spent its life in California and Arizona, see photos of under car pan. Engine is a later 1,200 that runs great with 6 volt system and I have a period correct 1,200 that I will sell with car for total package of $ 26,000. Color is the darker red with black top. All new and correct interior, including seats, carpet, headliner, door and side panels and so on. Very rare and correct steering wheel and period correct German radio. Never lowered or altered and is a very nice Low Lite that is rare and increasing in value.

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