Karmann-ghia Lowlight Registry
ID-759: VIN 1365546
CoupeYear: 1956
Body Color: Lizardgreen Roof Color: darkgreen
Full Description: California car * sat in a field for 20 years*
once was lizard green with deep green roof
rusty in areas (*too much of a project for me at this time)
pans ,heater channels, rockers, spare tire area etc...
the 80's were rough on this one
headlight buckets are cutout for bug headlights
spare tire area is messed up from being lowered
pan and body are original
no interior
no bumpers
window regulators and doors work well
incorrect transmission (later model swingaxle )needs rebuild
have a pile of parts that come with the car (36hp engine in pieces, wiring, exhaust, windshield, rear window misc..)
no back fees out of dmv system (bill of sale only)
no shipping unless you send a shipper to get it
no parting out unless you need $4000 worth of parts
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