Karmann-ghia Lowlight Registry
ID-785: VIN 2145095
CoupeYear: 1958
VIN Number: 2145095 Engine Number: 2780529
Current Location: Australia
Body Color: Aerosilver Roof Color: Grey White
Full Description: Recently purchased and shipped to Sydney Australia from FINLAND. Still researching car's history, however I have been able to discover that it was purchased new in Mannheim Germany by a US serviceman who shipped it back home to Nebraska in the US. The car had 3 owners until 2006 where it was purchased by an enthusiast in Barcelona Spain. The car was orginally black and in very poor condition by this stage. The Spanish owner gave the car a full restoration and changed the colour to the period correct Aerosilver and Grey White roof in a bare metal respray which is stunning. He then sold it to a gentleman in Helsinki Finland who completed the restoration. I was looking for a lowlight for some time and purchased it in March 2021 during Covid which made shipping quite challenging. There are very few lowlights in Australia and it already is attracting a lot of attention.
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